Weight Paint Blender 2.8

  • Then select your Mesh Object and switch it to Weight Paint Mode. Weight Paint Mode will now allow you to pose your selected Bone while weight painting the Mesh Object to it. While in Weight Paint Mode, you can select bones with RIGHTCLICK. Blender 2.8 - While in Object Mode, select the Armature Object first and the Mesh Object last.
  • Weight Paint Mode will now allow you to pose your selected Bone while weight painting the Mesh Object to it. While in Weight Paint Mode, you can select bones with RIGHTCLICK. Blender 2.8 - Demo: Blender 2.8.
  • On top of THAT, weight-painting in wireframe mode is impossible in 2.8. In 2.8, they’ve got that lattice-like see-through where you can’t view through OTHER (not currently selected) objects while weight-painting, and the patchwork “seethrough” effect is just jarring and uncomfortable visually.

Blender Version
Broken: 2.81
Worked: 2.80

Blender 2.92 Manual » Sculpting & Painting » Weight Paint; Weight Paint.

Short description of error
Ever since I installed 2.81. I have been having some trouble painting the weights on mirror mode. The mirroring just does not work on the vertex groups. If I try painting the weights, lets say the LeftArm group, then the weights on that vertex group will be painted on the other side instead of being painted on the symmetrical group (RightArm group)
This bug really needs to be fixed, cause weight painting non-symmetrical is a nightmare.

Of course I can fix this myself by exporting the armature and mesh into an fbx file or something else, and then import it back into a new project. But that fix won’t take long after you make a modification on the mesh. Like scaling it up or down.

Exact steps for others to reproduce the error
Based on the default startup or an attached .blend file (as simple as possible).

Blender 2.8 Clear Weight Paint

Weight Paint Blender 2.8

Get a mesh that requires symmetrical bones
Make the armature for that mesh
make sure you name the bones correctly to get the symmetry working
Assign automatic weights
Now try painting the weights with the value of 1 on a bone from the left side.
The weight will be painted on the other side of the mesh on the same vertex group selected

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PaintWeight paint blender 2.8 reviewsWeight paint blender 2.8 x
The current behavior of weight painting in Blender 2.8 may appear to be buggy where you can't select bones or armature when going into weight paint. As of now, It may be a bit confusing if you are coming from 2.7 or earlier. This is a quick video from the 2.8 Beta (as of 26th December 2018) that shows two ways to do the object weight paint for a simple armature.
Update 20190104 - I filed this as a bug for blender (T60250) but this is the confirmed and intended behavior for 2.8. So we have to get used to it =) I also mentioned in the bug report that vertices are weight colored on the mesh even if bone is deselected (e.g. deselecting all bones with AA keystrokes) but that is also an intended behavior with the motivation 'Blender allows objects and bones to be active and de-selected. (de-selecting all objects still shows settings for the last selected data-block).'
Видео Blender 2.8 Weight Paint - quick tip канала Imphenzia

Weight Paint Blender 2.8 X


Weight Paint Blender 2.82
