
Sector is the career platform to help you organize and grow your career as the pandemic & future of work up the ante. The Missions that Station Washington conducts on a daily basis are truly unique. In addition to the traditional roles that a Coast Guard Station has, Station Washington works alongside a multitude of Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement Agencies to detect, deter and defend against terrorist attacks in the waters around our Nation's Capital. Page/Sector erase time 3ms/6ms Page write time 2.5ms Cryptographic Features and Accelerators Crypto-coprocessor Yes 3DES engine Yes AES engine Yes True RNG Yes CRC Yes CPA /DPA Countermeasures Yes Form Factors 3 in 1 Plug-In SIM (2FF, 3FF and 4FF) Yes DFN8 (MFF2) Yes WLCSP Yes. The Green Recovery Tracker assesses the alignment of EU member states’ national Covid-19 recovery programmes with the green transition. The recovery measures are analyzed on a quantitative and qualitative basis. Results are summarized in Country Reports, using maps, dashboards and diagrams.

To ensure the health and safety of Kentucky families, Governor Beshear urges Kentuckians to remain Healthy at Home and follow the federal and state protocols for limiting the spread of COVID-19, which can be found at Everyone needs to do their part for themselves, their loved ones, and our community. We have a responsibility to ourselves and to each other to protect our state and our community.

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All entities currently operating must meet certain minimum requirements in addition to the requirements and guidance specific to their industry sector.

Healthcare Order Update - April 19, 2021


Please click on Minimum Requirements for more details. Industry-specific guidance is also provided in PDF links in the table below.

Minimum Requirements

  • Physical Distancing
  • Facial Coverings
  • Hand Washing and Sanitizing
  • Ventilation
  • Telework
  • Common Areas
  • Sanitation
  • Daily Temperature/Health checks

Events with 1,000 or fewer persons in a single room or space are limited to the lesser of 60% capacity or the maximum number of individuals that permits appropriate physical distancing.


Events with greater than 1,000 persons in a single room or space are limited to the lesser of 50% capacity or the maximum attendance that permits appropriate physical distancing.

For more information please view Minimum Requirements.

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  • Healthcare Facilities

    Healthy at Work

    Executive Orders

  • March 29, 2021 - Face coverings
  • February 26, 2021 - Face coverings
  • January 30, 2021 - Face coverings

Reminder: People should be prepared for state and local public health orders to be extended, amended, or changed as needed to protect public health.

Page Sector Definition

If you have additional questions please email them to