Confessions Of An Imaginary Friend

Confessions of an Imaginary Friend; By: Michelle Cuevas; Narrated by: Michael Goldstrom; Length: 3 hrs and 2 mins Categories: Children's Audiobooks, Science Fiction & Fantasy. Directed by Steve Martino. Jacques Papier suspects that everyone is ignoring him, but doesn't know that he's someone's imaginary friend. Based on Michelle Cuevas' book 'Confessions of an Imaginary Friend: A Memoir by Jacques Papier'.


ImaginaryA TIME magazine Top 10 Children's Book of 2015!

The whimsical 'autobiography' of an imaginary friend who doesn't know he's imaginary—perfect for fans of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and Toy Story.

Jacques Papier has the sneaking suspicion that everyone except his sister Fleur hates him. Teachers ignore him when his hand is raised in class, he is never chosen for sports teams, and his parents often need to be reminded to set a place for him at the dinner table. But he is shocked when he finally learns the truth: He is Fleur's imaginary friend! When he convinces Fleur to set him free, he begins a surprising and touching, and always funny quest to find himself—to figure out who Jacques Papier truly is, and where he belongs.


“A charming story so easy to visualize that it feels like a future Pixar movie.”—The Wall Street Journal
“A clever tale about finding purpose and self-acceptance”—Good Housekeeping

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

We meet Jacques Papier as the eight-year-old twin of Fleur - because that is what he believes. However, it soon becomes apparent that Fleur is so involved with her imaginary friend - Jacques - that she thinks she herself is imaginary.
When Fleur enters therapy, Jacques finds himself with a group of other discarded imaginary friends, whose real companions have moved on. It appears that imaginary friends can morph into various characters to suit those who seek such a companion. Jacques' subsequent adventures allow him to help other lonely children and imaginary friends, before he finally finds true happiness again.
Despite the cartoon-like cover, this is a short novel more suited to an older reader than first appears: philosophical, sad and slightly bizarre.

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Confessions Of An Imaginary Friend

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  • I love this book so much, I have read it about 10000000 times! I love how Jacques helps his lonely imaginary friends. I love imaginary friends because it's your imagination and they can look how ever you want! I am excited to read more of your books.

    Olivia, 19 May 2016