Royalmail Priority Post Box Near Me
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Delivery methods from eBay vary depending on where the eBay seller is physically located. If the goods are shipped from the United States or United Kingdom, then the sellers often use the eBay Global Shipping Program and packages are sent through Pitney Bowes. Often times eBay China sellers ship packages through following carriers: China Post, SFC, Winit, ePacket.
Deliveries from eBay, often involve multiple carriers, our service will find and show you additional tracking numbers and download information from relevant web sites of logistics and postal companies.
Find Your Nearest Postbox. The Universal Postal Union (UPU) sets out standards for postal operators worldwide, including Royal Mail in the UK. They require a Customs Declaration to be applied to every item destined for outside of the European Union. From 23 March the CN22 (for items with a value up to £270) is being modernised. The newly extended form will meet UPU. Find the perfect london post box stock photo. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. No need to register, buy now!
A post box (British English; also written postbox; also known as pillar box), also known as a collection box, mailbox, letter box or drop box (American English) is a physical box into which members of the public can deposit outgoing mail intended for collection by the agents of a country's postal.
With our universal postal tracker, it is possible to track Economy Int'l Shipping parcels, Expedited Int'l Shipping tracking, as well as Standard Int'l Shipping, Express Int'l Postage and of course tracking of Economy International Shipping.
How do I use eBay tracking number?
Once you've got tracking number for your eBay order, you obviously want to know where your package is and when will it arrive.
Royal Mail Priority Post Box

Enter your eBay tracking number on this page into the search box on top and in several seconds our global package tracker will locate your package and show you complete information about it.
Tracking International Priority Shipping to UK
If your tracking number begins with UPAA, UPBE and is similar to UPAAB000000234225695, then your order is sent using Global Shipping Program and you will be able to track the package along the entire route, up to your door.
Enter the UPAA tracking number in the search box above and our service will track your order, check all the relevant carriers and show all current tracking statuses, including the location of the parcel. You can also use the official Pitney Bowes tracking site.
When your packages travels in US it is easy to track its journey, with regular updates from USPS all along the way from Indiana to the GSP headquarters in Erlanger, Kentucky. Once it departs the shores of the land of the free things got a little bit more tricky.
The GSP uses multiple carriers and whilst you have a global tracking number, for instance UPBEE00162A512C5AE13, it doesn’t give you any granular information once the item has left the US.
At this point you should use secondary wnDirect tracking number (looks like LPKEN000000278145868, provided by eBay and PBI). wnDirect is the service that transports the item internationally.
Their tracking system statuses require a bit of deciphering. One of the line items can be 'In transit AIRLINE:BA/FLIGHT:632/AWB:125-47487834' this is airline waybill number and is used to track airline cargo shipments. Our system will find relevant airline cargo tracking website (British Airways in the example) and track your parcel.
After your item clears UK customs wnDirect passes item for the last mile delivery to 13ten, who again contract other couriers, like Yodel, Hermes. Tracking number changes once again and looks similar to WNM1000677777.
Any of these tracking numbers will allow you to track eBay parcel on our website and mobile apps. Let us track your eBay parcel in UK, will figure out when to use UPAA, LPKEN or any other tracking number.
Royal Mail International Standard Tracking eBay
Royal Mail International Standard from eBay is a shipping method from eBay seller to the buyer and can be tracked all the way from seller's warehouse to your door.
Tracking parcels shipped from eBay to UK
- UK_StandardShippingFromGC - UK Standard Shipping from GC tracking
- UK_IntlStandardShippingFromGC - UK Intl Standard Shipping from GC tracking
- UK_IntlEconomyShippingFromGC - UK Intl Economy Shipping from GC tracking
- UK_OtherCourierOrDeliveryInternational - Other courier or delivery service
- UK_RoyalMail48 - Royal Mail Tracked 48 hours
- UK_RoyalMail24 - Royal Mail Tracked 24 hours
- UK_OtherCourier5Days - UK Other Courier 5 days tracking
- UK_OtherCourier24 - UK Other Courier 24 hours tracking
- UK_OtherCourier48 - UK Other Courier 48 hours tracking
- UK_BPostInternational - Bpost international UK tracking
- UK_DPDNextDay - UK DPD NextDay tracking
- UK_CollectDropAtStoreDeliveryToDoor - Collect+ : drop at store-delivery to door
- UK_CollectInPerson - Collection in Person
- UK_CollectInPersonInternational - Collect in person
- UK_EconomyShippingFromOutside - Economy postage from outside UK
- UK_ExpeditedInternationalFlatRatePostage - Expedited Int'l Flat Rate Postage
- UK_ExpeditedShippingFromOutside - Express postage from outside UK
- UK_IntlTrackedPostage - International tracked postage
- UK_myHermesDoorToDoorService - Hermes Tracked
- UK_OtherCourier - Other Courier delivery tracking in UK
- UK_OtherCourier24 Other 24 Hour Courier
- UK_OtherCourier3Days - Other Courier 3 days
- UK_OtherCourier48 Other 48 Hour Courier
- UK_OtherInternationalPostage - Other Int'l Postage (see description)
- UK_Parcelforce24 - Parcelforce 24 hours
- UK_Parcelforce48 - Parcelforce 48 hours
- UK_ParcelForceEuro48International - Parcelforce Euro 48
- UK_ParcelForceInternationalDatapost - Parcelforce International Datapost
- UK_ParcelForceInternationalScheduled - Parcelforce International Scheduled
- UK_ParcelForceIntlEconomy - Parcelforce Global Economy (Not available for destinations in Europe)
- UK_ParcelForceIntlExpress - Parcelforce Global Express
- UK_ParcelForceIntlValue - Parcelforce Global Value
- UK_ParcelForceIreland24International - Parcelforce Ireland 24
- UK_RoyalMailAirmailInternational - Royal Mail Airmail
- UK_RoyalMailAirsureInternational - Royal Mail Airsure
- UK_RoyalMailFirstClassRecorded - Royal Mail 1st Class Signed For
- UK_RoyalMailFirstClassStandard - Royal Mail 1st Class
- UK_RoyalMailHMForcesMailInternational - Royal Mail HM Forces Mail
- UK_RoyalMailInternationalSignedFor - Royal Mail International Signed-for
- UK_RoyalMailNextDay - Royal Mail Tracked 24
- UK_RoyalMailSecondClassRecorded - Royal Mail 2nd Class Signed For
- UK_RoyalMailSecondClassStandard - Royal Mail 2nd Class
- UK_RoyalMailSpecialDelivery - Royal Mail Special Delivery
- UK_RoyalMailSpecialDelivery9am - Royal Mail Special Delivery 9:00 am
- UK_RoyalMailSpecialDeliveryNextDay - Royal Mail Special Delivery; 1:00 pm
- UK_RoyalMailSurfaceMailInternational - Royal Mail Surface Mail
- UK_RoyalMailTracked - Royal Mail Tracked 48
- UK_SellersStandardInternationalRate - Sellers Standard International Rate
- UK_SellersStandardRate - Seller's Standard Rate
- UK_StandardInternationalFlatRatePostage - Standard Int'l Flat Rate Postage
- UK_StandardShippingFromOutside - Standard postage from outside UK
- UK_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad - Tracked delivery from outside abroad
Shipping methods from eBay to US

Nearest Royal Mail Priority Post Box Near Me
- USPSFirstClassPackage - USPS First Class Package Tracking
- USPSAirmailLetter - USPS Airmail Letter Post
- USPSAirmailParcel - USPS Airmail Parcel Post
- USPSEconomyLetter - USPS Economy Letter Post
- USPSEconomyParcel - USPS Economy Parcel Post
- USPSExpressFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSExpressMail - USPS Priority Mail Express
- USPSExpressMailFlatRateBox - USPS Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Box
- USPSExpressMailFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSExpressMailInternational - USPS Priority Mail Express International
- USPSExpressMailInternationalFlatRateBox - USPS Priority Mail Express International Flat Rate Box
- USPSExpressMailInternationalFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Mail Express International Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSExpressMailInternationalLegalFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Mail Express International Legal Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSExpressMailInternationalPaddedFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Mail Express International Padded Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSExpressMailLegalFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Mail Express Legal Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSExpressMailPaddedFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Mail Express Padded Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSFirstClass - USPS First Class
- USPSFirstClassMailInternational - USPS First Class Mail Intl / First Class Package Intl Service
- USPSGlobalExpress - USPS Global Express Mail
- USPSGlobalExpressGuaranteed - USPS Global Express Guaranteed
- USPSGlobalPriority - USPS Global Priority Mail
- USPSGlobalPriorityLargeEnvelope - USPS Global Priority Mail Large Envelope
- USPSGlobalPrioritySmallEnvelope - USPS Global Priority Mail Small Envelope
- USPSGround - US Postal Service Ground
- USPSMedia - USPS Media
- USPSParcel - USPS Parcel Select Non-Presort
- USPSPriority - USPS Priority
- USPSPriorityFlatRateBox - USPS Priority Flat Rate Box
- USPSPriorityFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSPriorityMailFlatRateBox - USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Box
- USPSPriorityMailFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSPriorityMailInternational - USPS Priority Mail International
- USPSPriorityMailInternationalFlatRateBox - USPS Priority Mail International Flat Rate Box
- USPSPriorityMailInternationalFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSPriorityMailInternationalLargeFlatRateBox - USPS Priority Mail International Large Flat Rate Box
- USPSPriorityMailInternationalLegalFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Mail International Legal Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSPriorityMailInternationalPaddedFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Mail International Padded Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSPriorityMailInternationalSmallFlatRateBox - USPS Priority Mail International Small Flat Rate Box
- USPSPriorityMailLargeFlatRateBox - USPS Priority Mail Large Flat Rate Box
- USPSPriorityMailLegalFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Mail Legal Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSPriorityMailPaddedFlatRateEnvelope - USPS Priority Mail Padded Flat Rate Envelope
- USPSPriorityMailRegionalBoxA - USPS Priority Mail Regional Box A
- USPSPriorityMailRegionalBoxB - USPS Priority Mail Regional Box B
- USPSPriorityMailRegionalBoxC - USPS Priority Mail Regional Box C
- USPSPriorityMailSmallFlatRateBox - USPS Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box
- USPSStandardPost - USPS Standard Post
Tracking eBay package in Germany
eBay International Priority Shipping packages from USA to Germany are often delivered by, UPS, GLS, DHL Paket and myHermes DE.
Once your package has left the Global Shipping Center in Erlanger, Kentucky, US it's handed over for international delivery to one of Pitney Bowes' subcontractors. And you will receive new tracking number belonging to GLS, Hermes, UPS or DHL Paket.
Our service will find each new tracking number for your Global (UPAA) tracking number and display information from local couriers in Germany.
Shipping methods from eBay to Germany
- DE_DHLPaketInternational - DE DHL Paket International tracking
- DE_DeutschePostBrief - Deutsche Post Brief
- DE_DeutschePostBriefInternational - Deutsche Post Brief
- DE_DeutschePostBriefIntlEcon - Deutsche Post Presse & Bucher Economy
- DE_DeutschePostBriefIntlPri - Deutsche Post Presse & Bucher Priority
- DE_DeutschePostBriefLandInternational - Deutsche Post Brief (Land)
- DE_DeutschePostBriefLuftInternational - Deutsche Post Brief (Luft)
- DE_DeutschePostBuchersendung - Deutsche Post Buchersendung
- DE_DeutschePostByendung - Deutsche Post Byendung
- DE_DeutschePostWarensendung - Deutsche Post Warensendung
- DE_DeutschePostWarensendungInternational - Deutsche Post Warensendung
- DE_DHL2KGPaket - DHL 2kg Paket (nur fuer kurze Zeit)
- DE_DHLPackchen - DHL Packchen International
- DE_DHLPackchenInternational - DHL Packchen International
- DE_DHLPaeckchenPackstation - DHL Paeckchen Packstation
- DE_DHLPaket - DHL Paket
- DE_DHLPaketInternational - DHL Paket International
- DE_DHLPaketIntlExpress - DHL Paket International Express
- DE_DHLPaketPackstation - DHL Paket Packstation
- DE_DHLPostpaket - DHL Postpaket
- DE_DHLPostpaketInternational - DHL Postpaket International
- DE_DHLStarPaeckchen - DHL Star-Paeckchen
- DE_DPBriefInternational - Deutsche Post Brief
- DE_DPBuecherWarensendung - Deutsche Post Buecher-/Warensendung
- DE_DPD - DPD Germany
- DE_DPDInternational - DPD International
- DE_eBayDHLPaeckchen - eBay DHL Paeckchen
- DE_eBayDHLPaket24x7 eBay DHL Paket 24/7 (Abgabe und Lieferung an Packstation)
- DE_eBayHermesPaketShop2Shop - eBay Hermes Paket Shop2Shop
- DE_eBayHermesPaketShop2ShopKaeufer - eBay Hermes Paket Shop2Shop (Kaeufer erhaelt E-Mail von Hermes bei Zustellung)
- DE_eBayHermesPaketSperrgutShop2Shop - eBay Hermes Paket Sperrgut Shop2Shop (Abgabe und Zustellung im Paketshop)
- DE_Einschreiben - Einschreiben (inkl. aller Gebuehren)
- DE_EinschreibenVersandInklEinschreibengebuhr - Einschreiben (Versand inkl. Einschreibengebuhr)
- DE_ExpeditedInternational - Expresspauschale fur internationalen Versand
- DE_Express - Expressversand
- DE_ExpressInternational - Expressversand
- DE_ExpressOrCourier - Express- oder Kurierversand
- DE_ExpressOrCourierInternational - Express- oder Kurierversand
- DE_ExpressversandAusDemAusland - Express postage from outside DE
- DE_GLSInternational - GLS International
- DE_HermesPaket - Hermes Paket
- DE_HermesPaketInternational - Hermes Paket International
- DE_HermesPaketShop2Shop - Hermes Paket Shop2Shop
- DE_HermesPaketShop2ShopKaeufer - Hermes Paket Shop2Shop (Kaeufer erhaelt E-Mail von Hermes bei Zustellung)
- DE_HermesPaketSperrgut - Hermes Paket Sperrgut
- DE_HermesPaketUnversichert - Hermes Paket (unversichert)
- DE_HermesPaketUnversichertInternational - Hermes Paket (unversichert)
- DE_HermesPaketVersichert - Hermes Paket (versichert)
- DE_HermesPaketVersichertInternational - Hermes Paket (versichert)
- DE_IloxxEuropaInternational - iloxx Europa
- DE_IloxxStandard - iloxx Standard
- DE_iLoxxStandardInternational - iloxx Standard
- DE_IloxxTransport - iloxx Transport
- DE_IloxxTransportInternational - iloxx Transport International
- DE_IloxxTransportXXL - iloxx Transport XXL
- DE_iLoxxTransportXXLInternational - iloxx Transport XXL
- DE_IloxxUbernachtExpress - iloxx Express
- DE_iLoxxUbernachtExpressInternational - iloxx Ubernacht Express
- DE_IloxxWorldWideInternational - iloxx World Wide
- DE_InsuredDispatch - Versicherter Versand
- DE_InsuredExpressOrCourier - Versicherter Express- oder Kurierversand
- DE_InsuredExpressOrCourierInternational - Versicherter Express- oder Kurierversand
- DE_InsuredSpecialDispatch - Versicherter Sonderversand (z.B. Mobel, KFZ)
- DE_NachnahmeVersandInklNachnahmegebuhr - Nachnahme (Versand inkl. Nachnahmegebuhr)
- DE_Nachname - Nachnahme (inkl. aller Gebuehren)
- DE_Paket - Paketversand
- DE_PaketInternational - Paketversand
- DE_Pickup - Abholung
- DE_SonderversandZBMobelKFZ - Sonderversand (z.B. Mobel, KFZ)
- DE_Sonstige - Sonstige (Siehe Artikelbeschreibung)
- DE_SonstigeDomestic - Sonstige
- DE_SonstigeInternational - Sonstige
- DE_SonstigerVersandInternational - Sonstiger Versand (Siehe Artikelbeschreibung)
- DE_SparversandAusDemAusland - Economy postage from outside DE
- DE_SpecialDelivery - Sonderversand
- DE_SpecialDispatch - Sonderversand (z.B. Mobel, KFZ)%li DE_DHLPackchen
- DE_StandardDispatch - Unversicherter Versand
- DE_StandardInternational - Standardpauschale fur internationalen Versand
- DE_StandardversandAusDemAusland - Standard postage from outside DE
- DE_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad - Versand mit Nachverfolgung aus dem Ausland
- DE_UnversicherterExpressVersandInternational - Unversicherter Express - Versand
- DE_UnversicherterVersand - Unversicherter Versand
- DE_UnversicherterVersandInternational - Unversicherter Versand
- DE_UPSInternational - UPS International
- DE_VersicherterExpressVersandInternational - Versicherter Express - Versand
- DE_VersicherterSonderversandZBMobelKFZ - Versicherter Sonderversand (z.B. Mobel, KFZ)
- DE_VersicherterVersandInternational - Versicherter Versand
- DE_Writing - Einschreiben (Versand inkl. Einschreibengebuhr)
Tracking eBay package to Australia
After seller ships the item, it travels through US to GSP headquarters in Erlanger, KY where it's prepared for international shipment. At this point package is passed either to wnDirect or FedEx who deliver your item to Australia.
Tracking eBay packages to Spain and France
For international delivery Pitney Bowes passes parcel to mail-forwarder who in turn subcontracts delivery to local delivery service depending on country. You can find new tracking number on web site via a link from Pitney Bowes website.
In Spain package is delivered by Correos Èspana, in France by Colissimo.
Let us help you and find new tracking numbers to track your parcel all the way from US to your door. Go up to enter tracking number for your eBay purchase to track it.
eBay Winit tracking

Winit logistics company, a frequent choice when sending goods from China, tracking numbers are similar to ID18010717523961CN, ID18100816947957TW. These are unregistered packages, and can only be tracked while they are in China.
Winit takes the parcel from the seller's warehouse, delivers it to the sorting center, after which the parcel is shipped by China Post, Hong Kong Post or Malaysia Post.
Sometimes, Winit will return an additional tracking code like UG041119000CN, UC445619639MY and although this is a tracking number in the international format, the first letter 'U' says that this is an unregistered item and therefore not traceable in destination country.
ePacket delivery from China tracking

ePacket - popular, fast and cheap delivery method from China and Hong Kong. To find out that you were sent a package via ePacket, look at the tracking number, if it starts with 'L' and looks like LW257802923CN, LX337243984CN, then it's ePacket and will delivered by the local postal service of your country.
For United States ePacket packages are delivered by USPS, for UK it's Royal Mail, for Canada it's Canada Post and for Australia it's AusPost.
Scroll up to enter your ePacket tracking number and track your eBay package delivered by ePacket delivery from China and Hong Kong.
Economy SpeedPAK from China/Hong Kong/Taiwan tracking
SpeedPAK delivery method is a new way to deliver goods from eBay. At the beginning of 2018, eBay together with Chinese partner (Orange Connex Holding) created a new logistics service SpeedPAK, which helps sellers from China deliver goods around the world faster.
Tracking Economy SpeedPAK from China along with Standard SpeedPAK from China/Hong Kong/Taiwan and Expedited SpeedPAK from China/Hong Kong/Taiwan is easy with our universal package tracker.
SpeedPAK tracking numbers look like ES1000005022840IB01010001C0A, EE1000006071880DH01030003G0A.
DHL Global Mail Parcel Direct tracking
Another popular option for small packets is DHL Global Mail. Relax, even without knowing all the details of delivery methods and courier companies you can track your package from eBay with our postal tracker.
Economy Shipping from India also works with DHL Global Mail tracking.
Tracking China Post & China Post Small Packet packages
Registered (tracked) parcels sent by China Post, have a track code of RO533573760CN format. The exception is track codes beginning with U - UG008438512CN, UD027363998CN, UH037393345CN, these are unregistered small packets and are trackable only in China.
If the tracking number consists of 11 digits and is similar to 89340895932, then this is an unregistered shipment of China Post Small Packet. After it arrives to your country it will be delivered by local postal service.
It is worth noting that 11-digit tracking numbers beginning with 05 (05183648460) although belong to China Post can also be tracked via Winit and our site will track both services for you.
ZNLogic Tracking
Zinc Logistics or ZN Logic for short is a special delivery method for goods bought from eBay and are usually shipped from US to continental US and UK.
Zinc Logistics tracking in UK works just as usual, simply enter ZNLOGIC tracking number similar to ZPYAA0041150365YQ and hit Track Package. Our system will download most recent tracking information for your Zinc package and you will know latest package movements.
Also you can follow your package on Zinc tracking website.
Global Shipping Program (GSP)

The Global Shipping Program simplifies the purchase of goods from sellers from the United States and Great Britain for buyers from other countries. Also known as International Priority Shipping.
After payment the seller sends the goods to the local sorting center in the USA or Great Britain. Specialists on international shipments at the sorting center will process the parcel, fill in customs declarations, pay the relevant import charges and send the goods to your home. Goods shipped under the Global Shipping Program usually arrive within one week after leaving the sorting center in the United States or the United Kingdom.
Sometimes you can see 'Multiple Carriers' as a delivery service, it means that several companies are involved in the delivery. If carrier is listed as PBI tracking, it's just a shorthand for Pitney Bowes Inc. Just enter your PBI tracking number and our service will track your package.
Envío Internacional Económico tracking
Let's see what is - Envío Internacional Económico? From Spanish it means International Economy Shipping, and it is carried out by Correos Spain. This method of delivery is popular with eBay sellers from Spain.
Tracking of Envío Internacional Económico is possible with the help of the official website of the Spanish Post, or on our postal tracker, where all the statuses will be translated Spanish to English.
How do I track eBay order?
Once shipped, eBay order will be assigned special tracking number. Its format varies and depends on the shipping company, and generally starts with UPAA for Global Shipping Program, EE/ES for SpeedPAK, or looks like XX..CN for China Post and ePacket shipments.
All you need to do to track eBay order is to enter provided tracking number into search field on this page and our parcel tracker will quickly find your eBay order.
eBay Shipping Methods to Australia
- AU_AirMailInternational - Air Mail
- AU_SmallParcels - Small Parcels
- AU_SmallParcelWithTracking - Small Parcel With Tracking
- AU_SmallParcelWithTrackingAndSignature - Small Parcel With Tracking And Signature
- AU_StandardDelivery - Standard delivery (1-6 business days) in Australia
- AU_StandardDeliveryFromOutsideAU - Standard Delivery From Outside AU
- AU_StandardInternational - Standard International Flat Rate Postage
- AU_Registered - Registered
- AU_RegisteredParcelPost - Registered Parcel Post
- AU_RegisteredParcelPostPrepaidSatchel3kg - Registered Parcel Post Prepaid Satchel 3kg
- AU_RegisteredParcelPostPrepaidSatchel500g - Registered Parcel Post Prepaid Satchel 500g
- AU_RegisteredParcelPostPrepaidSatchel5kg - Registered Parcel Post Prepaid Satchel 5kg
- AU_RegisteredSmallParcel - Registered Small Parcel
- AU_AusPostRegisteredPostInternationalPaddedBag1kg - Australia Post Registered Post International Padded Bag 1 kg
- AU_AusPostRegisteredPostInternationalPaddedBag500g - Australia Post Registered Post International Padded Bag 500 g
- AU_AusPostRegisteredPostInternationalParcel - Australia Post Registered Post International Parcel
- AU_AustralianAirExpressFlatRate1kg - Australian Air Express Flat Rate 1 kg
- AU_AustralianAirExpressFlatRate3kg - Australian Air Express Flat Rate 3 kg
- AU_AustralianAirExpressFlatRate5kg - Australian Air Express Flat Rate 5 kg
- AU_AustralianAirExpressMetro15kg - Australian Air Express Metro 15 kg
- AU_Courier - Courier
- AU_eBayAusPost3kgFlatRateSatchel - eBay/Australian Post 3 kg Flat Rate Satchel
- AU_eBayAusPost500gFlatRateSatchel - eBay/Australian Post 500 g Flat Rate Satchel
- AU_EconomyAirInternational - Economy Air
- AU_EconomyDeliveryFromOutsideAU - Economy delivery from outside Australia
- AU_EMSInternationalCourierDocuments - EMS International Courier - Documents
- AU_EMSInternationalCourierParcels - EMS International Courier - Parcels
- AU_ExpeditedDeliveryFromOutsideAU - Expedited delivery from outside Australia
- AU_ExpeditedInternational - Expedited international flat rate postage
- AU_Express - Express
- AU_ExpressCourierInternational - Express Courier International
- AU_ExpressDelivery - Express delivery (1-3 business days) in Australia
- AU_ExpressPostInternational - Express Post International
- AU_ExpressPostInternationalDocuments - Express Post International - Documents
- AU_ExpressPostSatchel3kg - eBay Australia Post Express Post 3kg Satchel
- AU_ExpressPostSatchel500g - eBay Australia Post Express Post 500g Satchel
- AU_ExpressWithInsurance - Express with Insurance
- AU_Freight - Freight delivery in Australia. Used for heavy and bulky items.
- AU_Other - Other
- AU_OtherInternational - Other international postage
- AU_Pickup - Pickup
- AU_PrePaidExpressPostInternationalBox10kg - PrePaid Express Post International Box 10kg
- AU_PrePaidExpressPostInternationalBox20kg - PrePaid Express Post International Box 20kg
- AU_PrePaidExpressPostInternationalBox5kg - PrePaid Express Post International Box 5kg
- AU_PrePaidExpressPostInternationalEnvelopeB4 PrePaid Express Post International Envelope B4
- AU_PrePaidExpressPostInternationalEnvelopeC5 PrePaid Express Post International Envelope C5
- AU_PrePaidExpressPostInternationalSatchels2kg - PrePaid Express Post International Satchels 2kg
- AU_PrePaidExpressPostInternationalSatchels3kg - PrePaid Express Post International Satchels 3kg
- AU_PrePaidExpressPostPlatinum3kg - PrePaid Express Post Platinum 3kg
- AU_PrePaidExpressPostPlatinum500g - PrePaid Express Post Platinum 500g
- AU_PrePaidExpressPostSatchel3kg - PrePaid Express Post Satchel 3kg
- AU_PrePaidExpressPostSatchel500g - PrePaid Express Post Satchel 500g
- AU_PrePaidExpressPostSatchel5kg - PrePaid Express Post Satchel 5kg
- AU_PrePaidParcelPostSatchels3kg - PrePaid Parcel Post Satchels 3kg
- AU_PrePaidParcelPostSatchels500g - PrePaid Parcel Post Satchels 500g
- AU_PrePaidParcelPostSatchels5kg - PrePaid Parcel Post Satchels 5kg
- AU_Regular - Regular
- AU_RegularParcelWithTracking - Regular Parcel With Tracking
- AU_RegularParcelWithTrackingAndSignature - Regular Parcel With Tracking And Signature
- AU_RegularWithInsurance - Regular with Insurance
- AU_SeaMailInternational - Sea Mail
eBay Inc. is a multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, which facilitates sales from the consumer to consumer and from the business to the consumer through its website.
eBay was founded by Pierre Omidyar in 1995 and became a significant success story against the backdrop of the bubble dot-com. Today eBay is a multi-billion dollar business with operations in about 30 countries. The company manages, an online auction and a shopping site where people and companies buy and sell a wide variety of goods and services around the world.
AuctionWeb (the original name of eBay) was founded in California on September 3, 1995 by the French Iranian-American programmer Pierre Omidyar, as part of a larger personal website. One of the first items sold at AuctionWeb was a broken laser pointer for $14.83. Surprised, Omidyar contacted the winner of the auction to find out if he understood that the laser pointer was broken. In his reply letter the buyer explained: 'I am a collector of broken laser pointers.'
The company officially changed the name of its website from AuctionWeb to eBay in September 1997. Originally the site belonged to Echo Bay Technology Group, a consulting firm of Omidyar. Omidyar tried to register the domain name, but it was already taken by Echo Bay Mines, a gold mining company, so he shortened the name to his second best option,
Millions of collectibles, decorations, appliances, computers, furniture, equipment, domain names, vehicles and other items are bought and sold daily on eBay.
As a rule, everything can be sold at an auction on the site, if it is not illegal and does not violate the policy of banned and restricted eBay goods.
Services and intangible assets can also be sold. Large international companies, such as IBM, sell their latest products and offer services on eBay, using competitive auctions and specialized showcases. Individual eBay sites, such as eBay US and eBay UK, allow users to trade using local currency.
If you’re moving soon, you might be wondering “where can I find moving boxes near me?” Better yet – where can you find free moving boxes? After all, brand new moving boxes aren’t cheap. From hiring a relocation company to renting a storage unit, the process of moving to a new home already comes with a handful of necessary, yet cringe-worthy expenses. Out of all of the annoying moving costs, though, forking over one’s hard-earned money for a simple cardboard box is the worst. As soon as the move is finished, you’ll only be recycling that $25 bundle of bankers boxes, anyway (sigh).
Thankfully, there are ways to avoid spending big bucks on moving boxes. By seeking out free moving supplies near you from various stores, online marketplaces and community groups, you could save hundreds of dollars on moving expenses. With the exception of a few special-size boxes designed to fit certain TVs and mirrors, you could potentially move your entire home in free boxes as well. Wondering where to get moving boxes in your area? Below, we’ve listed 13 places to find free boxes near you to ensure your move is as cost-efficient as possible. Happy box hunting!
The 13 best places to find free moving boxes
This online marketplace is a popular place to find just about everything. From couches for sale to job listings, your local Craigslist page is packed with an overwhelming number of great finds. The website even has a “Free” section, where locals can list belongings they wish to give away. I recommend starting here to see if anyone is giving away moving boxes. You can also post your own ad to let people know you’re in the market for free boxes and supplies.
Next time you’re wondering where to get moving boxes, check your local online community groups for answers. If you haven’t joined the neighborhood hub, then you should. Not only can you find helpful information about the area (think: city news, neighborhood updates, local services, etc), but you can also find loads of free stuff being given away by your neighbors. Oftentimes, this includes moving boxes. The community platform hosts a “Classifieds” section devoted to goods for sale and free giveaways. Think of it as one big online garage sale in your neighborhood. If you don’t see any free moving boxes listed in the Classifieds section, simply post what you’re looking for and neighbors should respond quickly.
Liquor stores
Live near a wine and liquor store? It’s not a bad idea to pop in and ask the manager if you can take some boxes off their hands. Liquor stores receive a slew of shipments every month, which can easily be turned into moving boxes. Larger liquor stores receive more boxes than they know what to do with, so don’t be shy about asking!
U-Haul Box Exchange
U-Haul’s Customer Connect Box Exchange feature allows people from all over the country to connect and find moving supplies. All you have to do is enter your location and/or a keyword, such as “Free Boxes,” to find someone near you who is giving away moving boxes. Usually, the people giving away moving boxes are folks who have recently moved themselves, and need to get a mountain of flattened moving boxes out of their house ASAP.
Friends and family
The easiest way to find free boxes is by simply asking your friends and family. Knock on doors, text, and call around to see if anyone has extra boxes from recent deliveries, or possibly from moving, themselves. In today’s world, where everyone is plugged in 24/7, you can also just post a status on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to let friends know that you are looking for moving supplies.
Large retailers
You can be sure that large retailers will have a massive amount of boxes sitting around in the back. After all, they’re called “big box stores” for a reason. With shipments coming in every day, you should be able to find just about every kind of box at your local Walmart, Costco, Petsmart, Sam’s Club, Home Depot, Office Depot, Target, K-Mart and Best Buy – among others.
Large-chain bookstores and small, locally-owned bookstores, alike, should have plenty of boxes you can use to pack up your knick-knacks, smaller items and (of course) books You can also be sure that these boxes will be anything but flimsy, given how heavy books happen to be. Keep in mind that you can ask local college and university bookstores for extra boxes as well.
I once moved the majority of my one-bedroom apartment using boxes found in my workplace. With reams of paper being delivered every single day, you’re sure to find a slew of paper boxes with lids laying around. If you work in a large office, chances are good that they have a recycling room somewhere in the building.
Recycling drop off points
Ever been to a recycling drop-off location? It’s like hitting the moving box jackpot. Most cities have multiple recycling drop-off locations that accept flattened corrugated cardboard. Assuming these boxes are in good enough shape to use again, you’re likely to find multiple moving boxes for your relocation.
Grocery stores
Both large grocery store chains and small grocers should have plenty of large boxes up for grabs. Grocery stores receive shipments weekly, sometimes daily, to maintain a fresh produce inventory, so there’s no telling how many sturdy boxes they recycle every day. Next time you’re grocery shopping, I recommend letting a manager know that you’re moving soon, and would love to take those extra grocery store boxes off of their hands. I’m sure they’ll happily let you take the boxes home with you.
Check the Freecycle network while looking for free boxes. Similar to Craigslist, Freecycle is a great way to find free stuff in your community. All you have to do is sign up (for free) to join your local Freecycle community group. Then, simply post in the network that you’re looking for free moving boxes.
Chances are good that there are multiple elementary, middle and high schools in your area. Call up the front office, and ask if they have any boxes laying around. The beginning of the school year is a good time to check, as the school will be getting a slew of book and school supply shipments in the fall.
Facebook Marketplace
This popular social media networking site allows users to list and advertise items to anyone in the world. It also makes it easy to find local items available for easy pick-up. To find free boxes through Facebook Marketplace, simply type “free boxes” in the search tab. We recommend filtering the search by location, so that you can find free moving boxes in your general vicinity.
SEE ALSO: The Best Moving Boxes for Every Room In Your Home
The dos and don’ts of box hunting
- Do ask permission before taking boxes – Whatever you do, don’t just show up at a retailer or office and start taking boxes. You also shouldn’t rifle though a business’s or person’s trash without seeking permission. Not only is this dishonest, but it’s also downright illegal in most cases. If you’d like to take free boxes from a store or office, we recommend calling a representative ahead of time to ask permission. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to ask if they even have free boxes to give you in the first place. For all you know, the store may have recycled most of this week’s boxes already, and you may need to wait until next week to stock up.
- Don’t take boxes that are broken – Boxes that are torn up or falling apart simply won’t hold up well during a move. After all, moving is rough enough on your belongings as it is without adding a less-than-sturdy box to the mix. Make sure that any and all free moving boxes that you’re using are in good condition. Moving boxes that are wet, warped, broken or torn should not be used to move belongings.
- Do advertise that you’re looking for free boxes – Having trouble finding free boxes? Don’t forget that you can also advertise your request on a number of online sites. From Facebook Marketplace to, let neighbors know that you’re on the hunt for moving boxes. There may be plenty of people who have just moved but simply haven’t advertised their free moving boxes yet. Trust us – in all likelihood, they would love to have someone take those boxes off their hands. By making your needs known to the public, you’re likely to find free boxes more quickly and efficiently than by searching various retailers and offices.
- Don’t use boxes that are dirty or smelly – In addition to avoiding boxes that are in poor condition, we recommend not using boxes that are dirty or smelly. Boxes that were previously holding food or items that emitted a strong odor should be especially avoided. Otherwise, your household belongings will end up smelling like whatever was in those boxes previously (pee-yew!). To avoid dirty or smelly boxes, we recommend not picking up boxes that have been sitting in trash cans and avoiding boxes that come from restaurants.
- Do be careful when accepting boxes from strangers – When box hunting, make sure to use good old common sense before picking up boxes from people you don’t know. For instance, if picking up boxes from a Facebook Marketplace ad, we recommend bringing a friend and not going by yourself. Make sure you’re also in a well-lit public area, if possible.
- Don’t forget to use’s box calculator – Before box hunting, make sure you have a rough estimate of just how many boxes you’re going to need. Fortunately, our free and easy-to-use box calculator will give you a good estimate on how many packing boxes you need. All you have to do is enter the number of bedrooms in your home, the type of lifestyle you live, the number of people living in your household and your packing style. From this information,’s box calculator should be able to give you a rough estimate of the number of boxes you’ll need to complete your move.
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Moving soon?
To find a reliable moving company, check’s extensive network of movers. Our website makes it easy to find and book the best moving company for the job. All relocation companies in our network are licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your move will be in good hands. Best of luck and happy moving!
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