Terminal Services Windows 7
On the right hand side, double click Allow log on through Terminal Services or Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services. Click Add User or Group and enter Remote Desktop Users. Click Ok and Ok again to dismiss both dialog boxes. Restart your PC, wait for a few minutes and try to reconnect using Jump. Additional references: Microsoft KB886620.
Jan 11, 2011 I just found out that Terminal services manager does not exist in Windows 7. But fear not, the Remote Desktop Services Manager will do the trick. It is included in the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7, which can be downloaded from here. After some serious googling, I was also able to figure out how to actually enable the feature. Mar 29, 2019 Check to see if Remote Desktop Services is already installed. By default, this application is already included in your operating system's service pack. If you use Windows 7, click on the Windows logo located in the bottom-left of your screen, also known as the 'Start' menu, then type 'Remote Desktop Services' into the Windows Explorer search bar.
We can start Terminal Services by running the command given below.

If the service is already running you will get the message ‘The requested service has already been started.‘
Sometimes you may get an error that the service could not be started.
This happens when Terminal Services is disabled through registry hack. You can fix this by running the below registry change command.
You need to reboot the computer for the changes to take effect. After reboot terminal services starts automatically or you can start the service using net start command as mentioned above.
How to stop Terminal Services?
Terminal Services can’t be stopped like other services. You get the below error when you attempt the same.
How to restart Terminal services?
Since Terminal Services can’t be stopped there is no straightforward way we can do this. Microsoft says this is by design. But in some cases restarting terminal services could be possible by killing the svchost process that runs the terminal services.We can use tasklist and taskkill commands for this.
First get the process id of the terminal services process
Check if Terminal services is the only service running in this svchost. If the svchost is shared with other services then you can stop reading further. Restarting terminal services is not possible on your machine.

Application Readiness For Terminal Services White Paper

On my system I have got the following output.
How to disable Terminal Services?
Terminal Services Configuration Windows 7
We can run the below command to disable terminal services.
Windows 7: Log Off User With 'Fast User Switching' Enabled
How to enable Terminal Services?