
Product Size: W:2.0 x L:4.9 x H:0.8 inches ; Weight: 0.3 pounds

Aug 17th, 2019

Ps3 Spyro Sparks Point Gems

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Announcing with pride that GameSir VX AimSwitch is an innovative console combo that supports basically all main consoles on the market - PS3, PS4, Xbox. Sto iniziando a pensare che questo non sia possibile, ma voglio chiederlo comunque. Voglio testare che uno dei miei moduli ES6 chiama un altro modulo ES6 in un modo particolare.

  1. local meta = getrawmetatable(game)
  2. local old = meta.__namecall
  3. local ret ='
  4. iftype(arg)'string'then
  5. elseiftype(arg)'Instance'then
  6. ret = ret..' || '..'game.'..full
  7. elseiftype(arg)'boolean'ortype(arg)'number'then
  8. elseiftype(arg)'table'then
  9. ret = ret..' { '..arg[i]..' } '
  10. else
  11. end
  12. return ret
  13. local Args ={...}
  14. local Self = Args[1]
  15. _G.Count =_G.Count +1
  16. WriteLog('---------------------Remote_'.._G.Count..'---------------------')
  17. WriteLog('Method: '..Key)
  18. WriteLog('Arguments: '..format(Args))
  19. WriteLog('-------------------------------------------------')
  20. return old(...)
  21. print'skidded by yours truly :ok_hand:'

Clear Console Spyder

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