Treat yourself to new exciting gaming with HL Global premium NES classic mini edition wireless controller and offer yourself the most precious play time with friends
This replica of the original NES Controller is perfectly compatible with the New 2017 Version Nintendo classic Mini Edition controllers
Built in battery:One full charge can play up to 100 hours.
WIRELESS::With the stable 2.4GHZ Wireless technology provides the freedom you need to sit back and enjoy playing at a comfortable distance. Just plug the NES Classic Edition controller into your NES system, pick up that controller, and rediscover the joy of NES games!
This Wireless Nintendo controller can be used Joypad and Gamepad controller plugged into the console simultaneously of your NES edition system so both players are able to sit back and relax.
Product Size: W:2.0 x L:4.9 x H:0.8 inches ; Weight: 0.3 pounds
How to use it:
This replica of the original NES Controller is perfectly compatible with the New 2017 Version Nintendo classic Mini Edition controllers
Built in battery:One full charge can play up to 100 hours.
WIRELESS::With the stable 2.4GHZ Wireless technology provides the freedom you need to sit back and enjoy playing at a comfortable distance. Just plug the NES Classic Edition controller into your NES system, pick up that controller, and rediscover the joy of NES games!
This Wireless Nintendo controller can be used Joypad and Gamepad controller plugged into the console simultaneously of your NES edition system so both players are able to sit back and relax.
Product Size: W:2.0 x L:4.9 x H:0.8 inches ; Weight: 0.3 pounds
How to use it:

Aug 17th, 2019
Ps3 Spyro Sparks Point Gems
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Announcing with pride that GameSir VX AimSwitch is an innovative console combo that supports basically all main consoles on the market - PS3, PS4, Xbox. Sto iniziando a pensare che questo non sia possibile, ma voglio chiederlo comunque. Voglio testare che uno dei miei moduli ES6 chiama un altro modulo ES6 in un modo particolare.
- local meta = getrawmetatable(game)
- local old = meta.__namecall
- local ret ='
- iftype(arg)'string'then
- elseiftype(arg)'Instance'then
- ret = ret..' || '..'game.'..full
- elseiftype(arg)'boolean'ortype(arg)'number'then
- elseiftype(arg)'table'then
- ret = ret..' { '..arg[i]..' } '
- else
- end
- return ret
- local Args ={...}
- local Self = Args[1]
- _G.Count =_G.Count +1
- WriteLog('---------------------Remote_'.._G.Count..'---------------------')
- WriteLog('Method: '..Key)
- WriteLog('Arguments: '..format(Args))
- WriteLog('-------------------------------------------------')
- return old(...)
- print'skidded by yours truly :ok_hand:'
Clear Console Spyder
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